Being the Best Addiction Treatment Program is a Choice.

Every patient deserves the best medical care. When it comes to behavioral healthcare, the quality of your treatment provider and their ability to understand your needs, provide effective therapies, and identify the specific resources that will help you maintain health and recovery after treatment is vital to your success. Foundry Front Range aims to be the gold standard for comprehensive, coordinated, and accessible treatment for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders.

Family therapy

What does it take to provide excellent behavioral healthcare treatment?

While there are more than 14,000 behavioral healthcare providers nationwide, finding effective treatment can be a real challenge for most people. Behavioral health providers range from individual private practitioners to outpatient clinics to integrated programs offering full continuums of care. Some programs are privately owned while others are part of owned by investment companies. The world of behavioral healthcare is difficult to navigate, even for trained professionals. Knowing where to find experienced professionals who have the skills to treat specific conditions with compassion and professionalism can be the key to recovery. Many factors allow treatment providers and programs to be successful. These are some we believe make Foundry Front Range an exceptional choice.

Deep understanding of client needs

To provide successful treatment, your providers must be able to accurately and comprehensively diagnose your conditions and assess your needs. They must also understand your background, lifestyle, family situation, and other determinants of health so that they can make practical recommendations. The ability of clinicians to establish a trusting therapeutic bond is vital in making clients feel comfortable discussing difficult topics and providing complete information.

Personalized Care

Addiction affects every person differently, and people require personalized care plans that address their specific conditions and provide relevant education and solutions. Treatment plans should be highly tailored to client needs and should focus on practical ways clients can support recovery after completing treatment.

Clinical Experience and Skill

Experienced psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, psychologists, counselors, case managers, wellness experts, and other team members are the driving force behind treatment efficacy. An experienced team or clinical leader can possess decades of collective knowledge and experience that can make a fundamental difference in the lives of clients and lead to significantly better treatment outcomes. Whether developing a medication plan to reduce cravings, using the right therapeutic approach to address anxiety, or teaching exercises that relieve underlying pain symptoms, team member experience can make every aspect of care more effective.

Integrated Addiction Medicine

Integrated addiction medicine is a collaborative approach in which all members of a client treatment team collectively assess and discuss the client’s diagnoses, treatment progress, and opportunities for improvement. Most high-quality clinical teams practice integrated medicine to coordinate all aspects of client care and to share notes about emerging diagnoses or needs as they arise.

Resources and support

In addition to the best personnel, more resources give providers more ways to help clients. When providers have appropriate treatment milieu, clinical spaces, medical equipment, fitness facilities, recreational spaces, compliance experts, nutritious dining options, education spaces, and more, they are able to meet more needs during a treatment episode.

A Compassionate Mission Mindset

Substance use disorders are medical conditions, not the result of moral failings or bad decisions. The stigma surrounding addiction is one of the biggest reasons people do not seek treatment. Treating substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders should be a safe, healing, supportive, and positive experience, not a punitive one. The people of Foundry Front Range have a strong sense of mission to help individuals and families find recovery and to work in communities to reduce stigma and increase awareness.

Community Connections

Providers with strong connections to local and national recovery communities, support groups, and colleagues can make important connections for clients. These relationships can help clients find recovery resources near home and find other vital connections.

Fostering recovery-supportive lifestyles

Recovery, like addiction, is a lifestyle. Helping individuals and families find ways to experience safety, well-being, and fulfillment without substances is a vital part of treatment and significantly improves the chances for lasting recovery. Foundry Front Range focuses on helping individuals make choices that will reshape their home lives, work lives, and relationships to reduce the triggers and behaviors that can lead to substance use in the future.

Measuring outcomes

Measuring treatment outcomes during and after treatment is the only way to ensure that our treatment is effective and identify opportunities for improvement. Foundry Front Range uses numerous symptom rating scales and assessments to determine clinical progress throughout a treatment stay. We remain in close contact with alumni to determine long-term outcomes and to get feedback on how we can do even better to help the clients and families we serve.

Accreditations and Continuing Education

Accreditation signifies quality and compliance. Designations like The Joint Commission certification indicate that a provider meets or exceeds high-quality care standards. Continuing education is a vital way for licensed clinicians to stay current with the latest evidence-based practices and learn new skills that can benefit clients. Foundry Front Range supports continuing education for its team members and provides continuing education presentations to enrich the behavioral health field.

What questions should I ask to identify a high-quality treatment provider?

Are your care providers licensed?

Licensed care providers have received substantial education, training, testing, and supervision. Licensure is a sign that clinicians are qualified to practice their discipline and have been trained in a real-world setting by qualified trainers. Believe it or not, not all treatment providers are licensed or employ licensed team members. Employing licensed clinicians is a sign of quality and a commitment to providing evidence-based care.

Do you use evidence-based therapies?

Evidence-based therapies have been proven to be effective and are widely considered the standard of care. While some providers use evidence-based therapies, others may only offer facilitated 12-Step or group therapies.

Do you practice measurement-based care?

Measurement-based care involves using symptom rating scales before, during, and after treatment to gauge clinical progress. Foundry Front Range uses the PHQ-9, GAD-7, and BAM assessments to measure clinical progress related to substance use cravings and depression and anxiety symptoms. We also use the Recovery Capital Index to identify the determinants of health that contribute to long-term recovery.

Do you offer psychiatric prescribing services?

Psychiatric medications can make a crucial difference to people experiencing substance use and mental health disorders. A skilled prescriber is able to identify medications that are effective at controlling symptoms without jeopardizing recovery. Having an integrated psychiatric prescriber is advantageous and signifies that a provider believes in the value of medication-assisted treatment approaches.

Do you provide continuing care planning?

Substance use disorders are chronic conditions requiring ongoing management. While clients can learn vital skills and establish a baseline of substance-free sobriety during treatment, they should have a specific plan, including medical and psychological services, support groups, and wellness services tailored to their needs and resources.

Do you accept insurance?

Foundry Front Range can work with most major insurance plans. Being an in-network provider with major insurance plans means more than affordability. Becoming an in-network provider requires adhering to strict quality standards, regulatory compliance, and evidence-based practices.

What are your outcome measures?

High-quality treatment providers measure their outcomes to ensure the effectiveness of their treatment services. Methods of measuring treatment outcomes vary. Many high-quality providers attempt to understand how long clients remain free from substance use disorder after treatment and experience reduced co-occurring mental health symptoms.

Are you accredited by The Joint Commission?

The Joint Commission Accreditation is America’s largest medical accreditation institution. Being accredited by The Joint Commission signifies that a healthcare provider meets high-quality care standards, follows compliance and safety procedures, and provides evidence-based and measurement-based care. Foundry Front Range is accredited by The Joint Commission.